Local rental owners who own between 2-20 units and were up to date on all payments prior to March 2020, including mortgage and property tax payments, are eligible for the program. Property owners who became delinquent on their payments after March 2020 will still be eligible to apply. Program participants must also meet the following requirements:
- Be willing to enter into the Program Agreement
- Have rents no higher than the program allows
- Provide the required program due diligence items

United to House Los Angeles Emergency Renters Assistance Program (ULA ERAP)
APPLICATION OPEN: OCTOBER 23, 2023, at 8:00 a.m.
APPLICATION CLOSE: OCTOBER 31, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
About the Program
Small Landlord Providers
The City of Los Angeles United to House Los Angeles (ULA) Emergency Renters Assistance Program landlord application will open on October 23, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. and close on October 31, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. This application portal is only for landlords who own 12 or fewer units. To be eligible, the rental property must be located in the City of Los Angeles.
Once a landlord application has been submitted, the tenant will be invited to apply to the ULA ERAP. Tenants who may have applied and have an existing application will be paired with the landlord’s application to expedite processing to determine if the tenant meets the ULA ERAP eligibility criteria.
The ULA ERAP will provide up to six months of rental arrears to low-income residential renters who are at risk of homelessness due to unpaid rent as a result of COVID-19 or other financial hardship. Rental arrears will only be provided to landlords on behalf of tenants that meet the ULA ERAP eligibility criteria, and the landlord has provided the following:
- Proof of Landlord Photo Identification
- Proof of Property Ownership
- A Completed W9 – Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
- Proof of the tenant’s current monthly and past due rent
Tenant Information & Eligibility
The program will cover up to six months of rental arrears. To be eligible, a tenant’s household must be obligated to pay rent on a residential dwelling and meet the following requirements:
- Be a resident of the City of Los Angeles, regardless of immigration status. To verify if you live in the City of Los Angeles, go to
- One or more individuals within the household have experienced a loss of employment, reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship between March 2020 and now.
- Have unpaid rent due to their current landlord for any month(s) between April 1, 2020, through now.
- The current household income is at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI).
Income Limit Category | 1 Person | 2 Persons | 3 Persons | 4 Persons | 5 Persons | 6 Persons | 7 Persons | 8 Persons |
Low Income 80% of Median | $70,650.00 | $80,750.00 | $90,850.00 | 100,900.00 | $109,000.00 | $117,050.00 | $125,150.00 | $133,200.00 |
*Participants of Section 8 housing choice voucher, Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), or living in project-based Section 8 or public housing are not eligible to apply to the program.
Priority will be given to applications from households with income at or below 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and who have unpaid rent beginning on April 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021. Applicants that do not meet the eligibility priority may be processed at a later time.
Once the above priority is met, the following applications will be selected that meet the following criteria:
- Households with minor children and/or seniors aged 65 and above or people with disabilities.
- Households that are extremely rent burdened, paying more than 50% of total household income for rent each month.
- Households that are at high risk of becoming homeless (include, but is not limited to households with past due rent or an eviction notice, unsafe or unhealthy living conditions; or any other evidence of such risk.
- Households for whom up to six months’ rent in its entirety will satisfy their entire debt for the unit they currently inhabit; or who have entered into an agreement to repay the remaining balance affordably;
Income Limit Category | 1 Person | 2 Persons | 3 Persons | 4 Persons | 5 Persons | 6 Persons | 7 Persons | 8 Persons |
Very Low Income 50% of Median | $44,150.00 | $50,450.00 | $56,750.000 | $63,050.00 | $68,100.00 | $73,150.00 | $78,200.00 | $83,250.00 |
Extremely Low Income 30% of Median | $26,500.00 | $30,300.00 | $34,100.00 | $37,850.00 | $40,900.00 | $43,950.00 | $46,950.00 | $50,560.00 |
The program will pay a maximum of six months of unpaid rent. Financial assistance will only be payable to the landlord of the rental property. It is highly recommended that tenants communicate with their landlord and provide accurate contact information for their landlord to avoid problems or delays in applications being funded. Note landlords who own more than 12 rental units whose tenants may have already applied during the tenant application period continue to be eligible for the program. Landlords that own more than 12 units must wait to receive a tenant notification of their eligibility and then submit the required landlord documentation. The Small Landlord application is only available to landlords that own 12 or fewer units.

Benefits of Joining The Local Rental Owners Collaborative
- Maintenance and Repairs: Get help for capital improvements to address deferred maintenance issues or general building upgrades
- Property Management: Improve building efficiency, lower operating costs, and decrease time spent on building management
- Unlock Group benefits: Get group rates on insurance, energy retrofits, and other programs to improve your building, lower long-term costs, and increase cash flow.
- Financial Management: Get access to financial management services. Maintain ownership and not be forced to sell to large corporate owners.
- Continue to be a steward of my community and housing provider: Increase community stability and avoid displacement for both owners and tenants