$40,000 grants available for families earning $84,160 or below
who want to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)!!!
Call NHS for more information. We can help!
The grants portal opens on December 11, 2023.
Time is limited, don’t delay.
For more information: www.nhslacounty.org or admin@nhslacounty.org
1. Get Registered for a Don’t Move, Improve! Workshop >
2. Submit Borrower Information for Prequalification Processing >
Our ADU Program
NHS of Los Angeles County is a nonprofit community development corporation. We’ve been serving L.A. County neighborhoods for nearly 40 years and providing home repair and home rehabilitation services since the start! With the variety of options we offer through our programs, we have been able to help homeowners to provide and sustain affordable homeownership.
Now, with the ADU program, NHS addresses the needs of homeowners in creating affordable housing for loved ones, creating generational wealth by offsetting monthly expenses with rental income, and creating healthy neighborhoods in the process.
The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) has reopened their $40,000 grant program again starting December 11, 2023. You will need to provide the following immediate information to gain potential access. Please send information to admin@nhslacounty.org.
- Borrower Information – name, address, contact information
- Proof of Income – paystubs, bank account information
- Property information – address, utility bill, mortgage information
- Escrow instructions will have to be setup if you choose to move forward with the program
Our Guidelines
Our program is available to any household in L.A. County. We are unique because we serve as an affordable lender, financial counseling agency and home rehabilitation agency. To qualify for a grant, the property must be owner-occupied at the time of application.
Core ADU Guidelines To Follow:
- In the case of homebuyers, the deed must be recorded within 20 days of the application being submitted, reviewed and considered for approval
- The applicant must be named on the property’s deed. It is pertinent to note that we will work with households whose property is owned by a Trust, an LLC as long as it is not a corporate LLC, or Tenancy In Common. All documentation must be presented, and ownership must be clearly demonstrated
- A single-family residence or a multi-unit building with 1-4 units are acceptable property
- You are allowed to refinance your property to help cover costs
- Please attend an NHS Home Improvement Workshop for additional information